Saturday, October 14, 2006

Hardcore Gamer?

If you think that you are a hardcore gamer you may be in for a rude awakening. Many may believe that if you throw some money into an “awesome” system, and you play it every once in a while, they are a hardcore gamer. Since they fell that they are hardcore they go and make themselves look like dumb asses by buying video game related apparel. And when a true gamer sees this, they are nothing more than a mere walking joke. If you really are hardcore you can wear those types of things and be respected be fellow hardcore gamers. Ok so you still think your hardcore? Well let's clarify things up for those who are wondering who they really are; if you are a hardcore gamer you will go with little or no sleep just because you cannot put the controller down. You more than likely be late on rent or be broke because you decided to put your entire pay check into the Xbox 360 the day it came out. Or when you cannot go to bed on time because all you want to do is get to the next level, and the next, and then next, even though you know that you will be paying for it in the morning. Whereas your average everyday gamer would realize that they are tired and have to go to school or work, and shut off whatever sports game they are playing without saving. Also on a beautiful warm sunny day your average gamer might want to go outside and enjoy the day as much as they can before dark. Where the mindset of a hardcore gamer would be, “Hey it's kinda nice out, this makes for some great video game playing.”. Ok, after reading this you should better understand what category you fall into, hardcore gamer or not, but if your still not convinced here are something you should ask yourself. Would you wait in line for 10 hours through any weather extreme just for Halo 2? Or would you rather wait a few months after the game came out, and wait to but it used for half the price because you would never pay the full price on any game. Would you ever skip school or work because you wanted to play video games, or would you skip school or work to hang out with your friends to go out driving around? Did you build your computer solely for gaming, or did you build it because you wanted to feel cool? And finally did you ever have the argument with your friends on what makes a hardcore gamer? Hopefully this has been a help for those of you who have wondered who you truly are. Remember be yourself and never try and be something your not.

Article by Erika Clark

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