Monday, October 23, 2006

Happy Birthday iPod

I've said a lot of bitter things about the iPod in the past, criticizing the venerability of moving parts and theoretical problems that could occur during regular use of the product. I apologize to Apple and all of it's loyal "followers" for everything I said. I was out of line. However, it was on this day five years ago that Apple first announced the original 5 GB iPod, and problems continue to appear.

The soft shiny plastic covering the iPod, the Nano, and the shuffle scratches far to easily for the device to be used outside of a protective case. But the protective case hides the beauty of the iPod, making it just another crap covered digital audio device. How hard can it possibly be to make the outer case a little bit tougher?

It's a bitch to get it to work with an iTunes incompatible operating system, such as, oh say, Linux. I don't have a Mac or a Windows PC. Am I screwed. Yes, unless I want to do this. I don't want to do that. I want to plug it in and copy music to it. That's all.

The iTunes DRM is stupid. Do I really need to say more?

It's just not cool to own an iPod anymore because everybody has one. You can see those crappy white earbuds everywhere you go. It's not much of a status symbol anymore and something new is going to come along as the next big thing. Maybe it'll be the Zune or maybe it'll be something else. We don't really know.

Article by Rich Moore

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