Sunday, October 15, 2006

Eggdisk: Storage Solution or Savior?

Recently I've been using a little known service called eggdisk to store and share my files. Once you get past the lousy interface, the horrendous support forum, the ridiculous amount of Google Ads, the less than stellar download speeds, the awkward permission system, and occasionally being asked to advertise it's actually a pretty great service. You can upload files up to 150 MB and stick all of your documents in a zip file to be automatically extracted (or kept in it's original compressed format). Upload speeds seem good, although I'm pretty impatient and would rather have it be instantaneous. Once you've added a file you can rename and move it from folder to folder with minimal effort and without changing the linking URL, a pretty good deal if you post your media to other sites. There are multiple levels of privacy, some of which require people to log into the system to retrieve files, while others allow anyone to download either by browsing your profile or, the most useful setting, entering the URL you gave them (or posted on a web page). Oh yeah, did I mention the free 6 GB of storage and the 30 GB monthly transfer? Free. As in not costing any money. I give it a 4.85253 out of 5.

Article by Rich Moore

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