The cat's name is Schrodinger, and she's in a box.
Also there's a famous thought experiment involving a cat, a box, hydrochloric acid, a man named Erwin Schrodinger, and the nature of the state of the universe.
Jan. 8, 2007
I've been on hiatus for a while because of the holidays. But I'm back and I'm going to try to post more consistently. There are definitely some more posters coming, and hopefully (I'm not promising anything) some video content.
Remember, Rich Magazine is open to anyone who wants to contribute. Don't be shy people. (Anonymous contributions are also accepted)
The userbars are momentarily offline because eggdisk had a partitioning issue resulting in lost data. But I'll put them back up, along with some shinier ones asap.
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Aww, she's such a cutie. :)
I agree she is cute!!
Where did the title come from?
The cat's name is Schrodinger, and she's in a box.
Also there's a famous thought experiment involving a cat, a box, hydrochloric acid, a man named Erwin Schrodinger, and the nature of the state of the universe.
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